Our Mission
Our mission is to provide clothing, school supplies, and hygiene items to underprivileged members of the Chicago community.
Tom's Story
In 2018 we created the Tom Kirby Foundation, a non-profit organization with the mission to provide clothing, school supplies, and hygiene items to underprivileged members of the Chicago community. Tom was one of our co-workers who passed away two years ago after being diagnosed with glioblastoma in 2016. Tom was late catching a train home from the Loop one evening when he passed a homeless person on the street. Typical for Tom, even though he was late, he went back to give the man some money. He was then very late for his train, so he ran. He tripped and cut his head on the pavement and was taken to Northwestern Hospital, where a precautionary CT scan revealed a large mass in the middle of his brain. Tom was always helping people less fortunate than he was; one example was his yearly trip to Myanmar to build orphanages for homeless children. We are aiming to continue his devotion to others in need with the Tom Kirby Foundation.